Kitob tashqi havolasi (to‘liq matni): | Ko‘rish |
Turi: | O‘quv qo‘llanma |
Tili: | Inglizcha |
Kitob yozuvi: | Inglizcha |
Matn turi: | Bosma shaklda |
Kirish huquq turi: | OCHIQ KIRISH |
Economic procedural law of the republic of Uzbekistan
Kitob mualliflari
Ibratova Feruza Bobokulova,
The edition of the textbook was prepared taking into account the changes and additions introduced by law to law the Economic Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On the basis of the current legislation, judicial practice, decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it examines in detail the issues of the of economic procedural.
Fan yoʻnalishi: | | Ҳуқуқ | |
UDK | |
Kitob nashriyoti nomi: | Publishing house |
Kitob nashr qilingan shahar: | Tаshkent |
ISBN: | 978-9943-7990-1-1 |
Kitob nashr qilingan yili: | 2021 Yil |
Betlar Soni: | 420 |
Kitobga aloqador kitoblar
Маҳаллий давлат ҳокимияти вакиллик органлари ва унда сиёсий партиялар иштироки
Бабаджанова Атабек Давронкович,